Terms & Condition

  • Welcome to Sightseer Traveler Services Pvt Ltd. Agreement between the User and Sightseer Traveler Services Pvt Ltd, (www.sightseertravelerservices.com) Please read these terms and conditions of use ("Terms and Conditions") before using the (www.Sightseertravelerservices.com). You consent to these Terms and Conditions when you use this our Site. If you not agree with part of the Terms and Conditions, you may not use this website in any way. In the case of any violation of these Terms and Conditions,Sightseer Traveler Services Pvt Ltd, reserve the right to search all remedies available by law and in equity for such violations.
  • We are registered in India. Our business and the services what we offer are governed by the indian laws. No representations and/or warranties of any kind, express or implied, are given as to the compliance of the information shown on this Site, the services we offered by or on behalf of us, any kind of information relating to such services and our business in any respect with any laws of any other country which do not, in any event, affect or apply to the same.
  • Site User Obligations
  • You agree to be Definitely by the following obligations, including without limitation the following:

    • You accept financial responsibility for all transactions made in your name or account.
    • This web Site must not be used for false or fraudulent bookings.
    • You are agree that all information you provide about yourself or anyone else shall be true and accurate in order.
    • The website and any content may not be modified or copied, transmitted, distributed, sold, displayed, licensed or reproduced in any way by you, except that one copy of the information contained which is within the Site may be made for personal, non-commercial use.
  • For persons who are resident in India, the terms and conditions of booking and purchase are those which appear on the application form and you must read before confirming your booking or purchase. Residents of international countries must identify themselves at the time of booking or purchase and ensure whether the booking or purchase will be accepted in their state and what their booking or purchase terms are. All bookings and purchases are also subject to the general information appearing in the product descriptions on our current website. We advise you to print a copy of our Terms and Conditions along with all other relevant details relating to your chosen travel arrangements before booking with us.
  • The Booking and Purchase Terms contain periods and prohibitions of liability for any person who books and/or undertakes their travel on the Website. If a booking or application is canceled or amended after it has been confirmed, cancellation and amendment charges will be payable.
  • Access to this Website is conditioned on your agreement that all information within it and all matters done or arising between you and us will be governed by Indian law. The entry is further limited to your agreement that any dispute between you and us shall be adjudicated exclusively by the courts of Delhi. Sightseer Traveler Services Pvt Ltd reserves the right to refuse access to the Website at any time without notice.
  • No warranties, promises and/or representations of any kind, express or implied, are given as to the accuracy of any information contained on this website or the nature, standards, conformance or otherwise of any services provided by us.We will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature (direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise) arising directly or indirectly out of the use of any information or material contained in this website.Access to or access to any other information or material through web links from this Website or difficulty in accessing or using this Website. These exclusions of liability apply only to the extent permitted by law and, excluding information accessed through other sites or supplied by an identified third party, which is in accordance with our applicable booking conditions. If any of these exclusions are found, in whole or in part, to be unlawful, void or for any other reason inoperative, that exclusion or part of the exclusion will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity or enforceability of the other exclusions.) or part of the exclusion in question.